Header image Joséphine Marie-Adèle Ouellette  
Story by Heather Doyon  

Joséphine - The Little Miracle
by Heather Doyon

Joséphine - The Little Miracle

One day God and the archangel Michael were taking a stroll by the golden gates. They saw all of the people waiting in line to be admitted to heaven. Glancing down the line. Michael saw that one of the people was just a tiny infant. "God, that child should not be up here yet." He exclaimed. "She is far too young to be up here. Why she has barely arrived on earth! You took her back too soon." God looked at Michael and replied. "She might not have been on earth very long, but to her and her family it was a lifetime. 17 days may seem like the blink of an eye to some people, but to her family, it was a lifetime. This child was shown how to love and knew that she was loved. She knew love and she knew peace. I gave her a big heart to hold all of that love. She will always be loved, but the type of love that she needed most and was destined to have could not be given to her on earth. She could get it here however. I know her family will be sad, but she will be able to be a happy, healthy child here. She will be like any other child and she will never have to grow up. Her family will miss her greatly, but she will always be with them. I have given each of them a special spot in their hearts where she will forever be." And with that, God walked over to the child and took her in his arms. "Come with me child." He whispered. "I will take to a place where you will forever be happy. Your grand-maman is waiting for you." Then baby Joséphine was taken through the golden gates to eternal happiness.

By: Heather Doyon, Age 18, family friend and number 1 superfan of the Mississauga Ice Bears women's hockey team (now the "Oakville Ice").