Survey on Female Hockey Equipment Conducted by : Tanya Martin June 1997 ---------- I am looking for volunteers to fill in a survey on female hockey equipment. Anyone interested please email me at and I will forward you the survey. Also if anybody is on the board of any of their associations and would be willing to distribute the survey during their registration please email me with your mailing address and I will forward copies in the mail. This info is being compiled as market research to identify any specific needs for female vs male hockey players. Thanks in advance for your help, Tanya Martin Gloucester Senior Rangers #35 - goalies are gods ---------- Thanks for participating. Please return your completed survey to 1. Rank the following factors in order of importance of the role they play in your decision to purchase a piece of equipment (1 representing the most and 8 the least). -price -manufacturer -fit -protection -colour -recommendation -advertisement -worn by favourite player 2. List every manufacturer of hockey equipment that you know. 3. List every manufacturer of hockey equipment that you know of with a women's equipment line. 4. What equipment (if any) do you currently own that is marketed as designed for women? 5. If you are an adult player what junior sized equipment do you purchase? 6. Rate your current equipment for each factor listed using the following scale: 1-excellent 2-good 3-satisfactory 4-poor 5-awful Helmet fit protection performance comments: Neck guard fit protection performance comments: Shoulder pads fit protection performance comments: Elbow pads fit protection performance comments: Gloves fit protection performance comments: Pelvic protection fit protection performance comments: Pants fit protection performance comments Shin guards fit protection performance Comments: Skates fit protection performance Comments: 7. If you could modify one piece of equipment, what would it be and why? 8. What do find the most frustrating part of shopping for equipment? 9. What best describes your local sporting store's attitude towards women's equipment? 1-Great! A chance to finally meet the needs of my customers. 2-I'll keep it in the back room as I need more shelf space. 3-Don't need to stock this stuff as I have lot's of hockey equipment. 10. Have you purchased custom designed equipment? 11. Have you ever purchased equipment from: (for each indicate yes or no) -mail order catalogue -web site -custom order from manufacturer through local sports store -local independent equipment manufacturer -sports store -used equipment sales 12. Do you see any design improvements in current manufacturer's women's equipment lines or do you believe manufacturers are capitalizing on the current increase in popularity of the women's game without significantly altering their equipment? 13. How do you keep informed on the type and availablity of women's equipment? Indicate yes or no for each choice. -print articles -advertising in print form -word of mouth -internet -other: -haven't found a good source 14. Would you shop at a store that carried only women's equipment? 15. Would you visit a web site devoted to women's equipment? 16. Optional question: Please indicate the number of years you have been involved in women's hockey and the level of play.