Women's Hockey in the Czech Republic

International Hockey

The Czech Republic competed as the Czech and Slovakia Socialist Republic (CSSR) up until 1990, then as the Czecho and Slovakia Federation Republic (CSFR) from 1990-1993, and now as the Czech Republic (Slovakia competes separately). Here are links to all game results of the national team:

The Czech Republic has competed in the Pool B (Division I) Women's World Championship since 1999. Before this time, the Czech Republic competed in the European B Championships. Here are links to the Czech Republic's results at the World Championships:

Since 1989, the Czech Republic's national team mainly competed in European Championships. Here are links to the results of the European Championships for years in which the Czech Republic competed:

The Czech Republic recently competed in a Pre-Qualification Tournament for the 1999 Women's World Championship. This tournament took place in France from January 27-29 1998. By placing first in this tournament, the Czech Republic was invited to compete in the Qualification Tournament for the 1999 Women's World Championship, which took place from March 23-27th 1998 in Germany and Switzerland. Unfortunately the Czech Republic did not place high enough to advance to the World Championship A Pool, so they will start competing in the World Championship B Pool in 1999. The European Championships will no longer take place now that there is an A and B Pool for the World Championships.

Hockey within the Czech Republic

As of 2003, there were 14 women's teams (about 200 women) competing in the Czech Republic's women's league.

Results by Year:

Much thanks to journalist Radek Vicik of Tydenik Hokej (the only Czech ice-hockey newspaper) and Hokej Magazin (a hockey magazine) for sending the 1997-98 final results, and the 1998-99 season draft information to me.


Group A

1st - 4th place
1. Plzen          20  17  1  2  129:49  36
2. Litvinov       20  13  2  5  127:44  28
3. Kladno         20  10  2  8  119:61  22
4. Beroun         20  10  1  9  102:67  21

5th - 8th place
1. Pardubice      20  14  2   4  143:49   30
2. Kobra Praha    20   7  0  13   50:106  14
3. Veseli n. L.   20   5  0  15   45:149  10
4. Decin          20   0  0  20   17:213   0

Group B

1. Hokej Brno     20  18  1   1  135:26   37
2. Opava          20  16  1   3  117:23   33
3. Vsetin         20  13  0   7   96:36   26
4. Sternberk      20   6  1  13   50:92   13
5. Karvina        20   3  0  17   14:117   6
6. Poruba         20   1  1  18   16:144   3


Plzen - Opava           Game 1: 8-0,
                        Game 2: 5-3,
                        Plzen wins series 2 games to 0.

Litvinov - Hokej Brno   Game 1: 5-1,
                        Game 2: 4-2,
                        Litvinov wins series 2 games to 0.

Hokej Brno - Opava      Game 1: 3-3
                        Game 2: 1-2
                        Opava wins series by 3 points to 1.


Plzen - Litvinov        Game 1: 1:2       
                        Game 2: 2:3
                        Litvinov wins series 2 games to 0.

1. Litvinov
2. Plzen
3. Opava
4. Hokej Brno


GROUP A: Plzen, Kladno, Kobra Praha, Decin, 
           Veseli nad Luznici, Litvinov, Beroun.
GROUP B: Opava, Sternberk, Vsetin, Brno, 
           Karvina, Pardubice.


1st round - 20.09. (Sept. 20)
  Plzen - Litvinov, Kladno - Veseli, Kobra - Decin, v: Beroun.
2nd round - 27.09.
  Beroun - Decin, Veseli - Kobra, Litvinov - Kladno, v: Plzen.
3rd round - 04.10.
  Plzen - Beroun, Kobra - Litvinov, Decin - Veseli, v: Kladno.
4th round - 18.10.
  Beroun - Veseli, Litvinov - Decin, Plzen - Kladno, v: Kobra.
5th round - 25.10.
  Kladno - Beroun, Kobra - Plzen, Veseli - Litvinov, v: Decin.
6th round - 01.11.
  Beroun - Litvinov, Plzen - Decin, Kladno - Kobra, v: Veseli.
7th round - 08.11.
  Kobra - Beroun, Decin - Kladno, Veseli - Plzen, v: Litvinov.
8th round - 15.11.
  Litvinov - Plzen, Veseli - Kladno, Decin - Kobra, v: Beroun.
9th round - 22.11.
  Decin - Beroun, Kobra - Veseli, Kladno - Litvinov, v:Plzen.
10th round - 29.11.
  Beroun - Plzen, Litvinov - Kobra, Veseli - Decin, v: Kladno.
11th round - 13.12.
  Veseli - Beroun, Decin - Litvinov, Kladno - Plzen, v: Kobra.
12th round - 27.12.
  Beroun - Kladno, Plzen - Kobra, Litvinov - Veseli, v: Decin.
13th round - 03.01.
  Litvinov - Beroun, Decin - Plzen, Kobra - Kladno, v: Veseli.
14th round - 10.01.
  Beroun - Kobra, Kladno - Decin, Plzen - Veseli, v: Litvinov.

v - free draw.


1st round: 04.10.
  Opava - Pardubice, Sternberk - Karvina, Vsetin Brno.
2nd round: 18.10.
  Pardubice - Brno, Karvina - Vsetin, Opava - Sternberk.
3rd round: 25.10.
  Sternberk - Pardubice, Vsetin - Opava, Brno - Karvina.
4th round: 01.11.
  Pardubice - Karvina, Opava - Brno, Sternberk - Vsetin.
5th round: 08.11.
  Vsetin - Pardubice, Brno - Sternberk, Karvina - Opava.
6th round: 22.11.
  Pardubice - Opava, Karvina - Sternberk, Brno - Vsetin.
7th round: 29.11.
  Brno - Pardubice, Vsetin - Karvina, Sternberk - Opava.
8th round: 13.12.
  Pardubice - Sternberk, Opava - Vsetin, Karvina - Brno.
9th round: 03.01.
  Karvina - Pardubice, Brno - Opava, Vsetin - Sternberk.
10th round: 10.01.
  Pardubice - Vsetin, Sternberk - Brno, Opava - Karvina.

Three best teams from each group will participate in six
teams final group.

System Explanation

Phase 1
Two groups (A and B) to play twice each other. Because there isn't an even number of pairs of teams in group A, one team in every round will not play.

Phase 2
Title group
The best team from each group will play twice against each other for the title.

Standings group
Remainig teams to play four times against each other for the final standings.

Email message from the Czech Republic

From nobody Fri Aug 16 05:26:08 1996
Subject: Please add to your women's hockey information
Date:   Fri, 16 Aug 1996 05:25:43 -0400
From: marko@chemopetrol.cz (Filip Marko)
Guest: Filip Marko (marko@chemopetrol.cz)

User Filip Marko on remote host, (, says:

 Form selections...
   I think that your pages are a Great Source of Women's Hockey

   I like the general women's hockey information, and the international

   The following indicates my interest in women's hockey:
   I have a girlfriend who plays hockey, have a friend or relative who
   plays women's hockey, am just a big women's hockey fan, think it's
   cool that women play hockey! :-) I think women who play hockey are
   awesome! :-)

 Message from guest...
   My girlfriend is playing ice hockey in HC Litvmnov (winner of Czech
   Extraleague in 1995/1996) as defender - She is captain of this great
   team. She is also member of Czech National Women Hockey Team.
   She was named as best defender of European B Championship in
   Denmark 1995, but at Slovakia 1996 Europian B Championship she
   was injured in first match with Rusia.
   I belive that Czech women hockey will reach better results (although
   there is very low support for it in Czech republic).
   I like the womem hockey and I search for information about it. I can't
   find any information or notes about Czech women hockey. PLEASE
   if You know something try to MAIL ME.

   Filip Marko
   P.S.: Excuse me for my poor English.

 Information about guest, Filip Marko (marko@chemopetrol.cz)...
   I am from Litvmnov, Czech Republic
   My favourite team is the HC Chemopetrol Litvmnov


National Federation

This page is maintained by © 1998 Andria Hunter (andria@whockey.com).

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